** Civis Romanus Sum **


The United Roman-Ruthenian Church and Stato Pontificio Imperiale di Roma-Rutenia, as heir to the Roman Empire, grant honourary Roman citizenship under the provisions of international law pertaining to customs of sovereign entities. The rare honour of being made a Roman Citizen is associated with the following traditional rights: 

Ius suffragii: The right to vote in Roman assemblies.
Ius honorum: The right to stand for civil or public office within the Stato Pontificio Romano.
Ius commercii: The right to make legal contracts and to hold property as a Roman citizen.
Ius gentium: A legal recognition of human rights possess naturally by all persons, regardless of citizenship.
Ius conubii: The right to enter into a lawful marriage with a Roman citizen according to Roman principles.
Ius migrationis: The right to preserve one's status as a citizen upon migration.


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