There are four principle forms of liturgy under the authority of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church: The Gallo-Russo-Byzantine Rite, the Anglican-Byzantine Rite, the Anglo-Roman Rite (Anglican Rite), and the Gallican Rite (Gallo-Roman). The Anglo-Roman liturgy is described and provided in the current editions of the Missale Anglicanum Editio Latina et Anglica. The Gallo-Roman Liturgy is provided primarily in the Missale Gallicanum-Romanum. The Rituale Anglicanum, Pontificale Anglicanum  Edition, Evangeliarium and Epistolarium, Roman-Ruthenian Breviary, and the Liber Processionalis are used by all rites. A partial list of liturgy is provided in the list below.

Sacraments of the Church
Holy Mass and Divine Liturgy
Holy Matrimony
Anointing of the Sick

Divine Offices
Roman-Ruthenian Breviary
Roman-Ruthenian Martyrology
Vigil Service

Extra-liturgical Services, Devotions, Prayers, and Creeds
Sacred Benedition
May Crowning
Te Deum Service
Most Useful Prayers and Creeds
Prayers to Accompany the Holy Mass
Blessing Ex Urbe

Calendar of Saints
The Ordo Calendar of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church
Liturgical Station Churches

Norms and Usage
Norms for the Use of the Cappa Magna
Norms of the Vesture of the Supreme Pontiff at the Divine Offices
Norms for Liturgical Vesture in Tropical Climates and Hot Weather

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